koshi kawachi manga farming sprouts diy
koshi kawachi manga farming sprouts diy
koshi kawachi manga farming sprouts diy

How can pop culture, DIY, recuperation and health food go together?
The project “MANGA Farming” by Japanese artist Koshi Kawachi from 2009 gives us a hint.  Bottom line is: Take one of the super foods, sprouts, and make them grow in old mangas.  If you’ve ever seen classical sprouting jars, you know why I’m so flashed about this project.
Sprouts virtually don’t need much to grow: air, water, light, a comfortable room temperature and a sprouter. So here you have really healthy food for which you don’t even need a garden to grow it. There are loads of different sorts of sprouts like radish as taken by Koshi Kawachi but you have also alfalfa which is the classic one or cabbage, clover, mustard, sunflower only to mention a few others. If you are afraid of the mangas’ ink contaminating your health food just go and get a stack of DC comics from the States who have made the switch to soy-based inks on all domestic books, 90-95 percent of their line. And yes, why would I suggest to take the Green Lantern ones?

Images from Koshi Kawachis page. More photos also at pinktentacle