hardcore punk typography t-shirts

Images 1-3 from merchnow.com / 4 harshforms

Regardless of the flood of typography books in recent years, I still think that best ideas for typography are to be found by just looking around. One thing which clearly influenced me is the bold typo of hardcore records, band shirts and flyers. Actually, I only wanted to drop some links here where to go and check out some shirts but then I got taken away and found some other awesome sites with record covers, zines and show flyers. So here are some sites you can go to if you want to have more visual impact:
It was fun to look through hardcoreshirt.com and the offer at merchnow.com with the latest shirts to get aswell as the collection of older and rare shirts at howsyouredge or at teetilldeath. Also check out the xshirtsx.blogspot of a guy who opens his closet and shows some of his shirt collection.
While looking up sites with shirts I also stumbled over this one vinylnoize.com which is – as teetilldeath- also a project of the noise corporation. These are some kids searching ebay for rare vinyl finds and drop some nice comments along each post.

hardcore punk typography vinyl warzone
hardcore punk typography vinyl cause for alarm
hardcore punk typography vinyl side by side

Images from hardcorearchaeologist.blogspot.com 

The guy here at The Hardcore Archaeologist goes even further. Here you have record covers, flyers and photos all from back in the days. It’s like the online and less sophisticated version of Radio Silence. Latter is just one of the greatest books which ever came out about hardcore. This book just filled  right in the gap of making hardcore objects something important. Its authors Nathan Nedorostek and Anthony Pappalardo describe the book as a visual history of American Hardcore Music.

hardcore punk typography flyers

Images from hardcoreshowflyers.com

At hardcoreshowflyers.com they’ll post two flyers a day and over at the Digital Fanzine Preservation Society you’ll find fanzines which were digitalized to survive and be open to access in digital times  True, the digital, clean versions of bites can’t give you the same feeling as flipping through a DIY printed fanzine but nevertheless it gives you some ideas. Let me finish up with one of the illest sites I stumbled over demotapes.blogspot.com, a site with old demo tapes.

hardcore punk typography demo tape

Image from demotapes.blogspot.com