I went to a bonsai exhibition a while ago where I saw the one above. This is asymmetry in 3D at its best.
Asymmetry translates into the rule of third or the two thirds rule in the art of bonsai: i.e. the first branch of the tree should be placed at about 1/3 level the height of the tree, the length of a choosen pot should be about 2/3 the tree height, or the distance of one branch should be 2/3 of the distance of the previous one. George Buehler from the Greater Louisville Bonsai Society and other practioners also link this rule to the Fibonacci numbers and the golden ratio, which are based on quite the same proportional division.
Eventually, it’s like Ikebana: do it yourself to really learn about it (and how this rule sometimes won’t apply as you deal with living beings).
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